Definely PDF gives you access to key information (every cross-reference, defined, undefined and unused term) in your PDF legal document with a double-click, without ever losing the context of the provision you’re reviewing.
Scan your legal document and, within seconds, PDF surfaces all of the information you need to understand that document.
Access and understand every defined, undefined and unused term in your document, as well as every cross-reference.
Definely PDF works with both scanned and digital PDF contracts, so you can unlock any PDF whether it's from today or 1965.
Double-click any defined term or cross-reference to unlock the meaning in the Definely side panel, so you’ll never lose the context of your review.
Whether reviewing a signed contract in PDF as part of Due Diligence, Contractual Dispute or otherwise, sit back and let Definely PDF simplify the review process for you.
Access key information from linked PDF documents in your contract without ever leaving where you are.